Twitter Marketing

How to Use Twitter for B2B Marketing in 10 Steps

How to Use Twitter for B2B Marketing in 10 Steps
Ardella Miller
How to Use Twitter for B2B Marketing in 10 Steps

After its launch in 2006, Twitter quickly became a beloved social media platform thanks to its original concept of short, text-message-like posts. As of 2023, Twitter has amassed an impressive 353.90 million users, with 330 million using the platform every month. Furthermore, 237.8 million users are active on Twitter daily, demonstrating the platform's continued popularity and widespread use.

Twitter makes it easier for you to reach your target audience, put creative content, and engage with other businesses. Every marketing team should adopt Twitter as a marketing strategy since it's one of the top 10 social media platforms.

In this blog post, we will talk about why it is important to use Twitter for B2B marketing, and how can you achieve success in 10 easy steps. Let's get started!

Why use Twitter for B2B marketing?

According to a study by Jack Flynn, an average American has approximately 5 to 6 hours of screen time regularly, and Twitter.com is the 9th most visited website daily. The data indicate that Twitter is a valuable channel for increasing brand visibility, regardless of whether a company operates on a B2B or B2C model.

Twitter offers businesses a chance at smooth interactions with users. It also provides businesses with ample space for advertisement. According to Twitter, the platform is the number 1 social media service for discovery.

"People spend 26% more time viewing ads on Twitter than on other leading platforms"

Twitter website carousel ads have a 15% higher click-through rate than single-asset ads, and video views have grown by 62% between 2019 and 2020.

What is B2B Marketing?

Business-to-business marketing, also known as B2B marketing, promotes and sells goods and services from one company to another. B2B and B2C are common terms in the marketing industry, and they are often confused with each other.

On the other hand, B2B marketing tends to focus more on rational and logic-based connections. Since it needs to sell products to more than one person, personal contact and emotions don't really work.

What works is your usefulness, your experience in the industry, and how you can sell that information to companies.

B2C vs B2B Marketing on Twitter

B2C companies use Twitter to interact with customers, user-generated content, and viral campaigns. Companies can be playful, giving their brands personality, or can choose to use the platform to interact with customers (replying to complaints, responding to product reviews, trying to keep up with the latest trends).

\nand Intel News channel's posts on new technology is the perfect example of B2B marketing.\n"}],["embed",{"url":"https://twitter.com/intelnews/status/1623383750921822256?cxt=HHwW4ICx_fO6tYctAAAA","html":"

In the past few years, generative AI has become more powerful – and therefore more capable of doing problematic things in a more convincing and realistic manner.  

Learn how Intel is supporting all AI models with responsible perspectives and principles. https://t.co/BaqxTTNOc4

— Intel News (@intelnews) February 8, 2023

Additional to the B2C model aims, B2B uses Twitter to:

  • Engage with the target audience, generate leads, and build brand awareness.
  • Advertisement.
  • Establish thought leadership and gain more business opportunities.

B2B Twitter marketing focuses on lead generation and networking, while B2C Twitter marketing focuses on viral campaigns and customer engagement.

B2B companies use Twitter as a news channel to share industry insights, while B2C companies focus on user-generated content. Both benefit from Twitter's user base and advertising options.

Looking for more information on B2B vs B2C marketing differences? Then Adam Erhart's video on B2B and B2C marketing is just the right fit for you. Check out this beautifully explained video by Adam.

10 Tips for Creating a Strong B2B Marketing Presence on Twitter

twitter tips for b2b marketing

1) Know Your Audience!

It is critical to define your target demographic and establish a buyer persona to ensure efficient marketing. This process requires you to study your target customers' qualities, needs, and interests.

Once you've gathered this data, create a thorough buyer persona that reflects your ideal consumer. You may adapt your marketing efforts to reach the correct audience and increase your ROI by doing so.

what is audience b2b marketing

B2B and B2C target different audience types. For B2B you should;

  • Determine the company's industry and size.
  • Look into decision-makers and influencers.
  • Identify the budget and resources available to the company for acquisition.
  • Identify the communication channels used by your target audience for professional purposes.
  • Gain insight into the difficulties and areas of concern experienced by your target audience in their daily business operations.

Invest your time in Exposure Ninja's video on identifying your target audience in 6 questions!

2) Optimize Your Twitter Profile

While it's important to optimize your Twitter profile for your business, it's equally important to add a human touch to your tweets and interactions with your followers.

By engaging with your audience in a meaningful way, you can build trust and loyalty, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and brand awareness.

What do you do, what are you interested or what your company is interested in?

  • Put a professional logo or headshot in your Twitter profile picture.
  • Create a strong bio. This may not seem important to you, but for AI, people looking for professionals, or people interested in topics you put in your bio it is important. Let people find you!
  • Share relevant links on your bio. Put your business out there. Share articles or videos you wrote or did. This will increase trust.

In addition to promoting your products and services, make sure to;

  • Share high-quality content. Yes, you should check the quality of your videos or photos. Otherwise, people are gonna dismiss you since Twitter is an easily consumed social media platform.
  • Participate in chats and discussions to increase visibility.
  • Find people with troubles and help them! Quick research on your topic should lead you to discussions and questions, you can answer them to create a strong connection with your possible audience.

3) Personalize Your Approach

Personalizing the approach for your B2B Twitter strategy can result in increased engagement and conversion rates.

More than three-fourths (77%) of B2B sales and marketing professionals believe personalized marketing experiences make for better customer relationships.

Personalizing helps with stronger connections between you and your customers, and also, helps with building relationships with potential buyers.

Understanding the challenges and needs of your B2B audience can help you improve your product or service and identify new opportunities to meet their needs.

If you want to understand how personalizing your approach is going to help you with your B2B Twitter strategy you should look into Sara Black's explanation of the newly conducted research on personalizing your approach.

4) Identify Influencers

As we mentioned before, the target audiences for B2B and B2C are different. Approaches may be similar to each other however, execution is completely unique.

B2B models still need influencers professional in their field to, create brand awareness and credibility.

b2b marketing twitter incluences
64% of B2B marketers increased the credibility of brand content working with influencers

So, how do you find an influencer for your field on Twitter?

  • Hunt them down. Twitter's search function has stepped up its game, you can look for specific people, photos, trendy and popular words, and videos... With the right keywords identified for you, you can find an influencer.
  • #Hashtags. With hashtags, you can keep track of people who engages your target audience, or industry regularly. Hastagify is a great tool to look into if you are interested.
  • Stalk. Check your follower's accounts regularly, to check for followed influencers, retweets, complaints, and so on.

After identifying potential influencers on Twitter, engaging with them by commenting on their posts or sharing their content is important. This can help establish a relationship with them and potentially lead to collaborations in the future.

"3 Ways to Search For Twitter Lists & your Industry Influencers" by Laurel Papworth is a must-watch for people struggling in finding influencers.

5) Avoid Repetitive Content

The same content over and over again is always boring! Twitter is a rapid site where consumers only read short pieces of content.

In addition to becoming monotonous, repetitive content might lose readers. We listed a couple of reasons why you should avoid repeating:

  1. Lack of engagement. If your content is repetitive, your followers may lose interest and stop engaging with your posts. This can decrease your engagement rate and negatively impact your online presence.
  2. Reduced reach. Twitter's algorithm favors original content, and repetitive content can be flagged as spam. This can reduce your reach and make it harder for your tweets to be seen by potential followers.
  3. Damaged reputation. Repetitive content can make your brand appear unoriginal and lazy. It can also give the impression that you don't value your followers' time and attention.

Repetition is not always bad to test out the waters for your marketing approach and find what gets the best engagement for you from time to time. But after establishing yourself, you should avoid repetition.

When it comes to promoting your blog content on #socialmedia, repetition is key. Also, repetition is key. - @NiteWrites #ContentPromotion

6) Pland Ahead!

A content calendar for your B2B marketing is important. Planning ahead is the first step you should do before anything. Many are struggling to find what to post so they can get engagement.

To avoid challenges you should plan short-term and long-term content calendars. Short-term content may include quick tweets or trending topics. Long-term refers to consistent posts on one or multiple topics that are related.

Let's look at content planning ideas you should get into!

1) Short and long content: Short contents include 100-500 words, whereas long-form content can exceed 1000+ words!

Short content is ideal for people easily distracted, tired people, getting off work, or people who don't check social media too much.

Blog postings that focus specifically on your B2B product or service are considered long-form content. It's important to keep in mind that not every material that goes beyond a certain number of words is necessarily valuable.

The text should be written with your target audience in mind and should not read like a technical manual or academic essay.

Watch Neil Patel's video on 3 content ideas for short and long-form content!

2) SEO: By using SEO, you can increase your visibility and as a result boost traffic to your website. You can optimize your Twitter profile and tweets for search engines. This may make it simpler for potential buyers to find your company and its goods.

Increased visibility equals increased traffic. By acquiring more visibility and directing your readers/followers to your website, you will rank higher in search results!

With SEO, you may focus on particular words and phrases that are pertinent to your B2B company and draw in a more niche Twitter following. By doing this, you can find prospective clients who are interested in your goods and services.

To gain a better understanding of SEO and how it can be utilized to enhance your B2B presence on Twitter, consider taking Ahref's brief course on the topic.

This resource can provide you with valuable insights and techniques to optimize your content and improve your visibility on the platform. Effectively use your SEO advantage and beat B2B businesses that are ineffectively using SEO!

3) Guides, videos, and trends! : Educational content and short, quick consumable content is very important for your Twitter B2B marketing strategy.

With Twitter, you can share videos, and post short texts or threads on trending topics (for educational purposes), perspectives of you/your brand, and industry advice.

Since the B2B buyer demographic tends to be younger, it may be helpful to provide information geared toward those who are just starting out in this field.

Over 45% of B2B technology buyers are 25- to 34-year-olds, making them the single largest demographic, followed by 30% in the 35- to 44-year-old age group.

4) Graphs and news: Sharing data that highlights the efficacy of your product, demonstrates its importance and showcases the positive impact it has on people can foster trust and generate buzz around your brand.

News sharing is important to show people you are up-to-date with your knowledge or you can post an article to increase credibility. Once in a while posting evidence is going to improve your content strategy!

7) Measure Your Success

Twitter can help you build relationships with your target market, raise brand awareness, and encourage sales. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of your Twitter B2B marketing campaigns, though? Let's look at some important indicators:

  • Followers. Set a date to check on your follower counts. It is suggested that you review your followers on a weekly basis, on a specific day of the week. However, others may argue that conducting this review once a month is enough. This practice is done to understand if your content is loved by the mass or not!
  • Engagement statistics. The amount of interaction with your tweets, including retweets, likes, replies, and clicks, is measured by engagement. High engagement rates can be a sign that your audience will value and be interested in your content.
  • Keep track of impressions. Twitter impressions are the total tally of all the times the Tweet has been seen. You can increase your reach rates by controlling and posting accordingly to your Twitter impressions.
It does not include times someone may have seen the Tweet through an embed on a website, third-party platform like Sprout Social or via text preview. It only counts when you see it on Twitter itself.
  • Track leads. If your goal is to generate leads, meaning luring in potential customers, then keep track of generated leads and post in favor of them to attract more potential customers that are similar. Let's look at how you can achieve a mechanism to measure leads:

1) CTA: In your tweets, include a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages people to visit a landing page or fill out a form to learn more about your products or services.

You may determine how many leads your Twitter engagement generates by tracking the number of submissions on these forms.

2) URL Tracking Tool: See how many users click on links to your website from your Twitter profile using a URL tracking tool, such as Sprout Social, Google Analytics, and Bitly.

You can identify which Twitter activities are generating the most leads by measuring the number of visits and user behavior on your website.

  • Click-through rate (CTR). The percentage of people who clicked on a link in your tweet is measured by CTR. This metric can assist you in analyzing the effectiveness of your tweets in generating traffic to your website or other online assets.

Essentially, it measures the effectiveness of your tweet in encouraging users to take a specific action, such as clicking on a link to your website or online asset. Watch Think Media's short video on CTR to understand how it works.

8) Use Twitter Ads

What exactly are Twitter ads?

Step-by-step Twitter ads

1- Create an account from ads.twitter.com.

2- Select your campaign objective among awareness, consideration, or conversion.

3- Select your target audience's location, demographic, interests, and behavior.

4- Plan your budget.

5- Select your set format. Can be video, photo, or short text, whatever floats your boat!

6- You are done! Finalize your creation and launch it.

7- Check your results. Twitter ads allow you to monitor how your ad is doing.

8- Go for different formats, try to change little bits of your current ad, and overall try to check for any differences in your engagement rate to see what works for you.

Twitter ads for B2B are one of the essential parts of marketing. Check Stewart Gauld's video for Twitter ads beginners to find out more!

9) Make Them Trust You!

To ensure that your followers can easily recognize your content and that your posts attract attention, it's crucial to maintain a cohesive look and feel across your brand's social media feeds.

  • Chose a brand tone. After identifying your audience, you can choose your brand's characteristic values. If you are operating in the marketing industry, you can choose a confident and sympathetic tone.  
  • Take people to the BTS! Similar to how you might get to know your neighbors by seeing them every day, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company can make your audience feel more connected and familiar with your brand.

10) Twitter Impressions

Tracking impressions offers you an indication of how far your Tweets have traveled when combined with other information.

The quantity of Twitter impressions is one indicator of a brand's presence. How frequently your Tweets appear in someone's timeline over the course of a month is important if you want Twitter users to know about your beauty brand.

More likely, you want a specific Twitter audience to be aware of your makeup firm. As a result, you will combine your impressions measure with another metric, such as clicks, to determine whether the Tweets are pertinent.

You can use these impression trackers to invest your time and money;


Is Twitter good for B2B marketing? Yes, Twitter is a valuable channel for increasing brand visibility, regardless of whether a company operates on a B2B or B2C model.

B2B companies use Twitter to engage with their target audience, generate leads, build brand awareness, advertise with targeting options for maximum ROI (return on investment), establish thought leadership, and gain more business opportunities.

Personalizing your approach, identifying influencers, avoiding repetitive content, and engaging with followers are some of the critical tips to create a strong B2B marketing presence on Twitter.

It is crucial to keep in mind that your marketing efforts may be ineffective if you fail to engage with your audience and monitor your impressions and links. It is essential to establish your ultimate goal as conversion rates to your website.

By doing so, you can utilize Twitter for business marketing to gain insights into what piques your audience's interest. Interested in B2B marketing? Keep reading to find out more!

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